

I make speeches as well as moderating panels and facilitate workshops related to architectural quality, sustainable urban development and innovation. The material presented on this web include a mix of mainly swedish material as I am based in Sweden. But some is also in english or chinese.

Facilitating workshops

As member of the advisory board of Decode I facilitated a discussion with the board members at a conference in early 2017. This is my summary of our advice to the innovation team.

Decode, Community Design for Conflicting Desires, är ett forskningsprojekt som verkar inom Vinnovas utlysningsområde Utmaningsdriven innovation – hållbara städer. Decodes främsta mål handlar om att underlätta för samverkan. Det görs genom metoder som hanterar motstridiga intressen och som utvecklar konstruktivt

Lecture and workshop on design and planning regulations

At the yearly day of competency development for municipal planners in december 2017 I made a speech about the role of design in urban planning.

The speech is based on my experiences of assessment of plans as seceretary of the jury for the planning award since 1998.

Workshops on Free zones for innovative housing models in Sweden

I took part in a workshop at IVA (The academy of engineering science) about strategies for creating smart cities in 2016.

The workshop resulted among others things in a recommendation to the Swedish government to open 3 free zones for housing innovation in Sweden and to support living labs to achieve a 50% reduction of total CO2 load including operation and construction load as well as energy surplus with renewable energy solutions.

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Speaker on topics related to architectural design quality,  sustainable urban development management and social innovation.

Debating architectural quality